Name: Kaden Waugh
Year: Senior
Hobbies: I don’t really have hobbies outside of school stuff. So, it’s just football wrestling, track, and theater, FFA, FCA, NHS, everything else.
Thoughts about the future: I am going to go to college somewhere, Oklahoma State (Go pokes) or CSU for engineering of some kind. Most likely I will go to wherever gives me the most money.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? I would probably just act like I didn’t have any money and invest it somewhere and buy a whole lot of legos. I would probably still work a regular job with a lot of money. I would probably buy the UCS Lego Gunship, the OG one, not the new one.
What’s the best class to take at Greeley West (why?) The best class I have taken so far is vet science or animal science.
How do you procrastinate? I am just on my phone dude. Instagram Reels and Madden Mobile.
Favorite Social Media Platform: Instagram, because of Instagram Reels.
Dinner with Jay Z or 500,000K? 500k.I respect Jay Z and all of his fans but $500,000 is a lot of money.
What is your sleep schedule? Try and get at least 7 and a half hours of sleep a night.
How do you know when you have been successful? You don’t, keep climbin’.