Name: Andres Garcia Palacios
Year: Junior
Hobbies: Go home ,lay down, and play video games.
Thoughts about the future: Just let the future happen we’ll find out eventually.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? I’d give half of the money to my mom. She raised me the whole time while my dad wasn’t present.
What’s the best class to take at Greeley West? Band. I’ve been playing trumpet for seven years and been in band since 5th grade.
How do you procrastinate? Sit on my bed and play video games.
Favorite Social Media Platform: Snapchat, it’s a different experience and I like it.
Dinner with Jay Z or 500,000K? 500k I can just give the money to my mom.
What is your sleep schedule? Sleep at 1 a.m. and wake up at 4 a.m.
How do you know when you have been successful? I’m just content with my progress.