This week, we take a look at some of the worst pets anybody can have.
5 – Wolverines
We’ve never seen a Wolverine in Greeley and we guess Frontier Academy hasn’t either since they can’t even come up with a picture for their mascot. The only thing that comes up when you search “Frontier Academy Mascot” is a shirtless picture of Hugh Jackman. We guess there are some teachers who would enjoy Hugh Jackman as a pet.
4 – Jaguars
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can teach a Jaguar if you try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try again. Jaguars are supposed to be fast, but it might take some an extra year or so to be up to standard with other pets.
3 – Bulldogs
Bulldogs are not the most diverse pets ever. They’re all white, kind of dumb-looking, and spend most of their day drooling. On the upside, they’re effortless to train as evidenced by their test scores.
2 – Grizzlies
There’s nothing special about them really. Sure, some people think they’re cool but we can’t think of anyone who actually wants to be near one.
1 – Wildcats
Cats are weak and easily frightened. They’re not good team players and really fit into the lazy, fat house-cat trope. It’s kind of hard to imagine why you’d want to keep one as a pet when they smell because of the time spent in a litter box. They also never make for good football players… and we’ll prove that this Friday night.