Rumor had it that Greeley West students were going to be able to start their Halloween celebrations early this year because of a football game schedule change. Like most rumors, this one was false according to Principal Mr. Jeff Cranson.
West shares the District 6 Stadium with Central and Northridge, so not everybody gets to play on Friday nights. As a result, they draw straws for who gets Thursday night games. West lost and was scheduled to play Frederick at 7 p.m. on Halloween. The game was moved to 3 p.m. when Frederick refused to agree to a Saturday afternoon start so that workers, coaches, and students’ Halloween plans could go on.
The rumors started because an early release was actually considered. Cranson was optimistic the game could be played on the field at Greeley West with a big home crowd where kids would be admitted for free at the end of the school day. However, without lights and the press box for assistant coaches, the plan never really developed further. The idea of an early release would’ve been good for the whole school body to increase school spirit but wasn’t able to happen. “We talked about playing the game at 3:30 on campus and dismissing students a few minutes early,” Cranson said, “ Due to complications we are having to move the game to D6 Stadium so there will be no early dismissal.”
The reality is that the game means more to Frederick than West. The Golden Eagles are playoff bound and didn’t want a Saturday start, fearing a Thurdsay kickoff in the first round. West is playing out its sixth straight losing season. To accomodate Frederick’s desire to keep the game on Thursday and West’s desire to not interfere with family’s Halloween plans, the game will ultimately kick off at 3 p.m. on Thursday.