Name: Sam Ceja
Year: 10th
Hobbies: Drawing
Thoughts about the future: To become a tattoo artist or a real estate agent.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? Buy my dream car, a royal blue Bronco.
What’s the best class to take at Greeley West (why?) Personal Finance because it teaches you how to do taxes and deal with the real world.
How do you procrastinate? I don’t don’y do my work until the day I have the class,
What’s your go-to fast food order? McDonadl’s Big Mac meal.
Who is your favorite influencer? How have they influenced you? My brother Manny has been a big role model in his life.
What is your sleep schedule? Go to bed around 12:30-1 a.m. and wake up at 7 a.m.
How do you know when you have been successful? When I don’t have to stress about having money.