Friday is great way to start new year

Mr. Travis Krause guides his IB TOK class through casting a fly rod.
August 19, 2016
Most people and other schools would think that coming back to school on a Friday is a dumb idea. Mostly because you are only back to school for one day and then off for the weekend. In fact, most schools start on Wednesdays or Thursdays.
I personally did not mind it this year. The first day of school really is not really a hard day. It’s really just a “meet and greet” kind of day. You just show up and meet everyone and get to see what your classes are like and then get to go enjoy your weekend. Most kids spend their whole first day in the counseling office anyway trying to change their schedules to what they want. The majority of the time is spent waiting in line to talk to your counselor.
I won’t lie. I have heard kids complaining that this year started on a Friday, I just tell them enjoy it and see it as a “get to know people” day. Having a bad attitude about it doesn’t help anything. You are only in school for one easy day and then get to enjoy your weekend. I liked the idea of starting on a Friday this year and definitely wouldn’t mind doing it again in the future.