AVID junior class starts campaign for flood victims
Mr. Kevin Wampler makes his way through the commons at lunch on Tuesday in front of a poster advertising flood relief. The AVID junior class made the signs to help raise money for flood victims in Louisiana.
September 13, 2016
The flooding going on in Louisiana started in the month of August. A year’s worth of rain fell in only two days. Baton Rouge, Lafayette, and surrounding areas have experienced massive loss of their homes, cars, and personal belongings. They’ve lost essentially everything.
The AVID junior class has taken notice and decided to take action by helping raise donations for all of those affected by the Louisiana floods.
AVID junior Sam McCulley urges students and teachers to help out with what they can. “Even the smallest bit of spare change helps out a lot,” McCulley said.
100,000 people have been displaced in Baton Rouge alone. “This is why we would like to help; the number of people affected is the approximate population of Greeley,” stated McCulley.
The flood hits close to home for quite a few fellow Spartans who have family back in Louisiana. When Junior Nick Krien got news of the flood, he was shocked. “It’s crazy, I was just there with my family a week before it happened.”
AVID teacher Ms. Cyndi Miller Hughes has family in these areas as well. Her sister works for a company where 25 employees have been immediately impacted.
To help raise money, there will be a contest for everyone to participate in. The homeroom that donates the most by October 1st will win breakfast burritos. The runner up will receive donuts and 3rd place will get candy.