FFA hosts open barn event
September 16, 2016
On Wednesday, the FFA Club had a back to school kickoff, where they invited everyone in the school community, their sponsors, and their parents to come down and see what they’re all about.
The event was from 5 to 8 p.m. and was located in Mr. Kelly Longacre’s clasrooms, where people had the chance to stop in to see some of their work they do while eating some cookies. They even had a petting zoo with chickens, rabbits, sheep, pigs, and cows.
Many current members had projects showcased around the room to show what they’ve been working on. Their project this year is the “Taste of Ag.” They will be having a dinner event later in February to raise money for it. Micaela Fenton, an officer in the FFA said their goal is to have kids learn and grow as leaders. “We hope to have a rich diversity of agriculture presented at the dinner,” Fenton said
Thinking about joining? Sign up for an agriculture class, as that is the only way to be a part of the fun educational club going on.