Pledge and National Anthem aren’t the times to protest

Connor Fagan, Staff Writer

fagan-connorAmerica is a great country. We strive off of our military and all the men and women who have risked and given their lives for our country. A way we honor our country is by standing every morning and saying the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem.

Some people decide not to stand and respect what has been done for the flag and the well-being of the whole country. The people who have had an impact on it are the people who are fighting for our freedom across seas every day, and the people who constructed this country, the man who wrote the Pledge, and the soldiers who have given their life for what they knew what was right.

If you think that not standing for the pledge is protesting against the future presidents or current controversial events happening in our country. you’re wrong. You are disrespecting multiple people who are some of the greatest human beings and have done the most amazing things.

Before you make the decision whether to stand or not to stand for the pledge, take a look at the bigger picture, think about what the pledge has meant in the past, not what it means at the present. Take a moment and realize the reason you are here today, look at what America is and what soldiers have done for you to be free and be able to live your life the way you do.