Sophomore helps Clinton campaign register voters for internship

Jana Datteri, Staff Writer


zamora-luisaGreeley West sophomore Luisa Zamora decided to try something new this year and be an intern at the Colorado Coordinated Campaign. At Zamora’s internship, she worked for Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, but also for other Democrats up and down the ticket including, Michael Bennett and Bob Seay.

Zamora was interested in doing this internship because it allowed her to be politically active.  Zamora stated, “I volunteered on previous campaigns and wanted to get involved with this one too. I wanted to fight for my beliefs and I knew this was the best way to do it.”

At this internship, Zamora went around and registered voters.  This registration ended up being the major activity that the Colorado Coordinated Campaign did. Zamora learned that getting people to vote was very important and that every vote does really count.

However, Zamora had a few struggles when she went to go knock on doors and she had to learn to handle people who do not have the same beliefs as her and deal with people who were rude. Zamora’s hours consisted of working from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the summer and 3:30 to 10 p.m. during the weekdays after school. On weekends Zamora worked from 8 in the morning to 11 at night. “It was very hard handling all of this and school work but I don’t regret getting this experience.”