Does extra credit actually help?

Megan Battleson, Editorial Writer

Though extra credit does nicely cushion grades before finals week, it has no place in high school.

Very rarely will professors at universities give extra credit opportunities, and employers do not offer extra tasks to employees who make mistakes in their work, or want to get ahead. High school should be no different.

The advertised purpose of high school is to prepare students for the next step in their lives, whether it is attending college, or going straight into the workforce.

When high school students are presented with extra credit, they are taught to expect a supplemental bandage when they make a mistake, a bandage that will not be there for many of them in the future.

Without extra credit, students are forced to focus on their current assignments and develop study habits that will help them succeed. Failing a test and knowing that there will be no supplement, compels the student to study harder for a good grade on the next exam, rather than filling out a worksheet and continuing to develop poor study habits.

Extra credit also encourages students to focus on their grade rather than the content that is being taught.

A student asking for extra credit to raise their D to a C exhibits more concern for their GPA than for gaining knowledge.

Students are encouraged to rely on alternative tasks, rather than working hard on current assignments.

Students may enjoy the security that extra credit provides now, but their future selves would be more thankful for better study habits and realistic expectations.