AVID juniors visit University of Wyoming

Jana Datteri, Staff Writer

On Tuesday, October 17, the Junior AVID class toured the University of Wyoming campus. Students left Greeley West at 8:40 and arrived back at 3:40. Throughout the day, the junior class got to tour different areas on the campus.

Every year the AVID classes get to tour a University.  At the campus, students got to visit the classrooms, gymnasium, dining hall, and the student center. The student center is where the University of Wyoming organizes different activities that occur throughout the school and runs the diversity center.

Junior, Lupita Nabor, stated, “There wasn’t much diversity at all. The University is 76% Caucasian and there were more female then male that attend the college.”

Nabor also stated that the college is a big attraction for athletes and the school is proud of their athletic program.

Junior, Omega Martinez, stated, “The college was very small itself which means the classrooms were very small. So you would really have to think about going to that college especially if you enjoy bigger environments.”

Nabor really liked the Student Abroad program that the university provides. The student’s tour guide explained to the class about all of her trips abroad were cheap because of the scholarships that were given to her.

“The University of Wyoming is a great option to consider if you want to get out of state but still stay close to home, however it’s not the place for me,” Martinez said.