Cell phone use is a blasphemy

Idriss Siyat, Editorial Writer

Cell phones have undeniably become an integral part of every student’s life. In fact, some would say students are all cyborgs with cell phones and online identities that no longer relate to real human life.

Students are not understanding the reason as to why they’re carrying their phones to school and that is problematic. Cell phone use is of extreme convenience and has academically beneficial aspects that these students do not even realize.

When students resume back to school from the holiday to start off their second semester, every teacher was giving out a printed paper containing all the rules of the class. Almost every teacher emphasized their cell phone rule, which proves they are most perturbed. But when class started the next day, it was like no student paid attention to it. In fact our teachers are very polite and nice, they give us time to respond to messages.

In a nutshell, you see someone busy on his phone immediately after the teacher starts lecturing,. Others spend the class period listening to music through their ear buds. Why can’t we just wait that five minutes between two periods and check our phones as we heading to the next period? It is way better than using in the classroom and interrupting the entire class.

We’re no longer toddlers; we’re matured enough to differentiate between what’s good and what’s not. We should be using our phones for emergency purposes or any other legitimate reason that our teachers ask of us.

Students just need to learn and remember that there is a time and a place for everything. A cell phone should generally not be used in class unless you are given the permission.

In life never disrupt any pedagogical institution, whether local or, national for there’s no worse blasphemy than that.