AVID celebrates seniors college acceptances

Bobbie Moss, Staff Writer

On Wednesday,  Greeley West AVID said goodbye to their graduating seniors with a matriculation ceremony. The event celebrated the end of high school, but also the beginning of college.  This year’s senior class earned an estimated scholarship total of $510,000.

The night started off with performers of the National Anthem with Jose Silva Rodelo on the piano and Julio Nunez Gomez on the guitar. The announcers for the night, Kristopher Ramos and Jose Silva Rodelo, kept the audience intrigued and included all participants by doing the ceremony in both English and Spanish.

The AVID seniors presented retiring AVID teacher Ms. Cynthia Miller Hughes with personalized gifts of pictures, flowers and a moon and star necklace. They gifted both Hughes and Ms. Susan Eastin with a beautiful scrapbook filled with memories. Ms. Jane Burke, who was an AVID teacher for the seniors sophomore and freshman years, showed a PowerPoint telling the story of her experiences with the seniors and sharing some of their most funniest of moments. All AVID teachers congratulated all students form all grades and presented certain students with the Student of the year awards.

As tradition follows the student who won the AVID legacy scholarship last year awarded two 500 hundred scholarships.  The senior class also passed down a signed paddle to juniors RJ Sam and Lupita Nabor.

The parents had an emotional time when a slideshow of their children with their senior tile and a childhood photo was shown and the students gave their parents a pink rose. The ceremonious night ended with a slideshow of the seniors over the last four years of their life here at Greeley West High School and was given a personalized keychain made by the AVID juniors.