Junior AVID classes sets up mentoring program for freshmen

Evelin Chanchavac, Staff Writer

For many students finding community service opportunities is a difficult task. Community service is a requirement for many colleges and scholarships.  The AVID junior class is aware of this and is confronting it head on by finding freshman students at Greeley West High School to mentor for the next two years.


AVID juniors were asked on Friday Oct. 5 to write what type of freshman they would think would suit them the best. They were asked to provide what gender, race, any clubs/activities they wanted their freshmen to have. After providing that information, counselor Mitch Johnson will be in charge in choosing freshman for the juniors.


Johnson will also be helping the AVID class by providing resources and teaching how to deal with kids with problems.


AVID students are expected to meet with their freshmen every other week for at least 30 minutes. AVID juniors will have to fill out a form to keep track of the amount of time they meet with their freshman.


AVID teachers Ms. Jane Burke and Mr. Stephen Paulson thought of this project to help the juniors since most of them have little to no community service. One of the biggest struggles into thinking of a project was how to insert it into their student’s busy schedules.


Burke stated, “I think the most difficult process is to get the right kids to get paired up with the right kids, if there’s not a click then it’s going to be really hard to meet with them.”


AVID students are curious on who they will be mentoring for the next two years. Many of them are not happy that they will have to use their time to meet with their freshmen but others are excited to take someone under their wing and be a resource for someone in the school.

AVID student Genesis Hernandez stated, “I think it’s going to help a lot of freshman into getting a perspective from somebody that’s not a teacher but a student. I’m hoping to make a change in somebody’s life.”