Our sweaty gym needs air-conditioning for safety, comfort

Jayden Phipps, Editorialist

In the past few years, Greeley West has made a few major changes to its building: new cameras, new laptops and desktops, and even a new football field and track. West is a very old building with way outdated features, and it’s no doubt that new upgrades and additions to the building keep it up and running.  All these new things were implemented in West because these major changes are a priority in the district’s eyes.

There is still one thing yet to change in the building and it has been the exact same way since the school was built in 1966. The gyms and weightlifting rooms don’t have air conditioning. The gym is constantly filled with students in physical education classes, weightlifting classes, or playing sports and exercising. During the summer months and even the first few months of school, temperatures outside can reach mid-90’s which leaves the gym hot and humid. The only mode of air circulation comes from the 2 industrial fans, which are on polar opposite sides of the gym and only blow around hot air.

This environment is not one that is safe or enjoyable for a student-athlete to have to exercise in. Working out in a hot environment increases one’s chances of dehydration, headaches, and leaves athletes overly fatigued. During sports events, the temperature in the gym raises from the increased amount of people and as a result makes games uncomfortable for everyone because of the heat.

The district needs to install air conditioning in gymnasiums so students, athletes and parents don’t have to struggle in the immense heat of the toaster-oven gym.