Who is Amy Marrufo?
April 19, 2021
Name: Amy Marrufo
Year of High School: 10th
What are you thinking about for your future? I want to get my bachelor’s in horticulture. I want to have my own store so I can sell plants there.
Where I work: Nowhere, I do homework at my house on the kitchen table. I would work now at a clothing store.
Daily Routine: I wake up, then come to school, then do homework. Sometimes I work out, if I’m not lazy.
Most essential ritual/habit: I sleep in a lot; that’s a bad habit. I like homework I guess that’s a good habit. I do my homework on time.
Favorite Hobbies: I listen to music a lot, that’s about it. I’ll just sit there and listen and go through social media or something.
What is your favorite App on your cell phone? Soundcloud. That’s where I listen to music.
Favorite time waster/procrastination habits: Sleep. Sometimes I don’t want to come to school, but I have to push myself I guess.
Sleep schedule: I usually go to sleep around 11 and wake up at like 8 on a good day or 9 or 10. Honestly, I feel like I slept more because we’re always at home or I’m always at home.
How do you know when you have been successful? When I feel accomplished with what I finished. After a test I feel proud of myself.