Who is Ty Hernandez?

Who is Ty Hernandez?

Joshua Deiter, Staff Writer

Name: Ty Hernandez

Year: Junior

What are you thinking about for your future? I think I’d like to go into a trade school for plumbing or electrical work. I’ve always wanted to work in that field of manual labor and just get a good lesson on it and how it works for my future.

Where I work: I don’t have a job at the moment. What I do mainly is my school work and for that I usually work at home, but I mostly get my school work done in school before the day ends and end up having the day to myself. 

Daily routine: My daily routine usually starts at 6 a.m. When I wake up, I start off by taking my medication and supplements. Then usually after that I take a 20 minute shower and think of my day. 

Most essential ritual/ habit: My daily habits are probably just showering in the mornings and at night but sometimes I do enjoy meditating to myself and just taking in life and the moment I’m living in.

Favorite Hobbies: Some hobbies I genuinely enjoy are political theories and debate. I personally enjoy the topic and talking about it to people who don’t know much about politics.

Favorite app on my phone: My favorite app on my phone is by far You Tube. I love to watch analysis videos and enjoy the topics they talk about. It’s a very interesting topic and I enjoy learning something new about it every day.

Favorite time waster:  Tic Tok is probably my favorite time waster. I enjoy just scrolling on it and seeing what I can find and what pop ups for me. I usually am on it from one to three hours at a time. 

Sleep schedule:  On weekdays, I’m usually asleep by 11 p.m. and I wake up around 6 a.m. Over the summer I was staying up all night till 3 a.m. and finally going to bed and I’d sleep the day away. It was a really bad habit I’m happy I got out of.

How do you know you’ve been successful: I personally think that living in the moment is the way to be truly successful. I think that if you constantly live in the past and what you could have done differently, you’ll never be truly happy and feel successful. I believe when I find peace that I’ll truly be successful.