Picture this: You’re walking down the hall and you give a casual wave to your new friend, Yonder. You continue your way to class, but suddenly you spot Yonder again. You’re left wondering how on earth he got there so fast… Deja vu?
Actually, Yonder Ramos Cax and Yonder Ramos Cax are identical twins. They have no idea why their parents named them both Yonder. Growing up, family members had a difficult time telling the two apart. To help ease the confusion, one twin goes by the name Willy.
Yonder and Willy are best friends. They enjoy dressing like each other and find humor in confusing others. “Teachers get confused all the time; it’s pretty funny,” Yonder (not Willy) stated.
Having a twin with the same name can be challenging at times. If one twin finds themselves in trouble, the other twin may face the consequences. “If he gets into a fight or something, they’re probably going to pull me from class because we have the same name,” Willy explained.
Their friends also have trouble telling them apart. “The only way I can tell the difference between them is their backpacks and one of them has a scar on his forehead,” freshman Cruz Hernandez said.
Freshman Moe Nasim has been friends with Yonder and Willy since fourth grade. “I still get them mixed up, all the time. One of them has a scar, but other than that, they’re literally identical, like copy and paste,” Nasim said.
Since the twins are pretty similar, they could effortlessly swap places. “If I have to be honest, it’s easy for us to switch classes. I’m not saying we do, but we could,” Willy stated.
There are benefits and drawbacks to being twins with the same name, but Yonder and Yonder (Willy) don’t have many complaints. “It’s really fun going to school together. We’re best friends,” Yonder (not Willy) stated.